
URL: https://data.capitol.texas.gov/dataset/4d8298d0-d176-4c19-b174-42837027b73e/resource/e29c61e5-08cf-454d-a7d3-c84b20173032/download/vtds_22p.zip

VTDs_22P.zip - 2022 Primary Election VTDs

GIS users can join the election data located at https://data.capitol.texas.gov/topic/elections to the 2022 primary election VTDs shapefile in this directory. Use the 'vtdkey' or 'vtdkeyvalue' fields in the election data files to join to the 'VTDKEY' field in the shapefile.

GIS users can join the population data located at https://data.capitol.texas.gov/dataset/vtds to the 2022 primary election VTDs shapefile in this directory. Use the common field name 'VTDKEY' to join the data.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated August 18, 2022
Metadata last updated August 18, 2022
Created August 18, 2022
Format application/zip
License Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 2 years ago
last modifiedover 2 years ago
on same domainTrue
package id4d8298d0-d176-4c19-b174-42837027b73e
revision id20578eac-fa14-42ce-b20b-aa893afffcea
size44.2 MiB
url typeupload