Texas Legislative Council Research Division FTP Directory 2020 CENSUS DATA https://data.capitol.texas.gov/dataset/2020-census-geography This directory contains 2020 Census geographic and population data. GEOGRAPHY FOLDER The United States Census Bureau publishes geographic units used for tabulation of the 2020 Census population data in the 2020 TIGER/Line Shapefile. The geographic units, which remain constant throughout the decade, include counties, census tracts, block groups, and blocks. Fields have been added so data formatted or published by the council can be joined to the shapefile for analysis. Each Shapefile (.shp) is in a compressed file (.zip) format. Blocks.zip - Census Blocks BlockGroups.zip - Block Groups Tracts.zip - Census Tracts Cities.zip - Census Places (Cities) CDPs.zip - Census Designated Places Counties.zip - Counties The geographic data was extracted from the 2020 Census TIGER/Line Shapefile. POPULATION FOLDER In accordance with Public Law 94-171, the Census Bureau is required to provide the states with the official census population numbers needed for redistricting, including total and voting age population by race and ethnicity for every census geographic level. The council groups the population data into five race and ethnicity categories for redistricting modeling and reporting: ASIAN - Encompasses all people identifying themselves as Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, or Other Asian on the census questionnaire, even if they also identified themselves with other racial/ethnic groups. BLACK - Encompasses all people identifying themselves as Black, African American, or Negro on the census questionnaire, even if they also identified themselves with other racial/ethnic groups. HISPANIC - Encompasses all people identifying themselves as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, whatever their race. BLACK+HISPANIC - A combined total of all those identifying themselves as Black and all those identifying themselves as Hispanic, adjusted so that those identifying themselves as both Black and Hispanic are not counted twice. ANGLO - Includes all people who selected White as their only race and did not identify themselves as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin. NON-ANGLO - A combined total of all those not included in the Anglo group, adjusted so that those identififying themselves with more than one group are not counted twice. Anlgo plus Non-Anglo equals the total population. VAP - Voting age population, persons in a geographic unit who are at least 18 years of age. Each comma-separated values file (.csv) contains the 2020 Census population for each geographic level in a compressed file (.zip) format. BlocksPop.zip - Census Blocks 2020 Census Population Join to geographic data on 'blkkey'. trt (num) - Census Tract block (num) - Census Block anglo (num) - Anglo Population anglovap (num) - Anglo Voting Age Population hispanic (num) - Hispanic Population hispanicvap (num) - Hispanic Voting Age Population total (num) - Total Population vap (num) - Voting Age Population bh (num) - Black+Hispanic Population bhvap (num) - Black+Hispanic Voting Age Population black (num) - Black Population blackvap (num) - Black Voting Age Population asian (num) - Asian Population asianvap (num) - Asian Voting Age Population nanglo (num) - Non-Anglo Population nanglovap (num) - Non-Anglo Voting Age Population cntykey (num) - Unique code used to join to geographic data. blkkey (num) - Unique code used to join to geographic data. fips (num) - FIPS Census County Code BlockGroupPop.zip - Census Block Groups 2020 Census Population Join to geographic data on 'bgkey'. bgkey (num) - Unique code used to join to geographic data. cntykey (num) - Unique code used to join to geographic data. fips (num) - FIPS Census CountyCode trtkey (num) - Unique code used to join to geographic data. anglo (num) - Anglo Population anglovap (num) - Anglo Voting Age Population hispanic (num) - Hispanic Population hispanicvap (num) - Hispanic Voting Age Population total (num) - Total Population vap (num) - Voting Age Population bh (num) - Black+Hispanic Population bhvap (num) - Black+Hispanic Voting Age Population black (num) - Black Population blackvap (num) - Black Voting Age Population asian (num) - Asian Population asianvap (num) - Asian Voting Age Population nanglo (num) - Non-Anglo Population nanglovap (num) - Non-Anglo Voting Age Population bg (num) - Block Group TractsPop.zip - Census Tracts 2020 Census Population Join to geographic data on 'trtkey'. trtkey (num) - Unique code used to join to geographic data. cntykey (num) - Unique code used to join to geographic data. trt (num) - Census Tract anglo (num) - Anglo Population anglovap (num) - Anglo Voting Age Population hispanic (num) - Hispanic Population hispanicvap (num) - Hispanic Voting Age Population total (num) - Total Population black (num) - Black Population blackvap (num) - Black Voting Age Population asian (num) - Asian Population asianvap (num) - Asian Voting Age Population nanglo (num) - Non-Anglo Population nanglovap (num) - Non-Anglo Voting Age Population bh (num) - Black+Hispanic Population vap (num) - Voting Age Population bhvap (num) - Black+Hispanic Voting Age Population CountiesPop.zip - Counties 2020 Census Population Join to geographic data on 'cntykey'. anglo (num) - Anglo Population anglovap (num) - Anglo Voting Age Population hispanic (num) - Hispanic Population hispanicvap (num) - Hispanic Voting Age Population total (num) - Total Population vap (num) - Voting Age Population bh (num) - Black+Hispanic Population bhvap (num) - Black+Hispanic Voting Age Population black (num) - Black Population blackvap (num) - Black Voting Age Population asian (num) - Asian Population asianvap (num) - Asian Voting Age Population nanglo (num) - Non-Anglo Population nanglovap (num) - Non-Anglo Voting Age Population cntykey (num) - Unique code used to join to geographic data. fips (num) - FIPS Census County Code Last modified on August 17, 2021.